Day 5
Wow, ordering these parts took a lot longer than I thought it would. I ordered everything online and there were several steps I had to go through for each part. First I went to to find the lowest prices for each part. Some of the online stores I looked at didn't have very good warranty information and some of them had really bad return policies, so sometimes I had to go with a different online store with a higher price to get better service. Once I had the store I wanted I then had to begin ordering the part. First I had to give them my billing address and shipping address. After the first two stores I decided to make the billing and shipping addresses the same in order save time. So, almost all of the orders will be shipped to my mom, but it doesn't matter because we live in the same place. After the addresses were given, I had to but in the phone number, email, and some other stuff. The credit card part took a while too. After typing in the credit card number I rechecked it several times just to make sure it was right. I did not want to get that part wrong. Once all of that was done I got a confirmation page and a confirmation email stating what I ordered and when each part should arrive. Right now the latest parts should be arriving on the 22nd of this month, so we should be all set to build on the 25th. Now all I have to do is wait, which shouldn't be too bad because I have a bunch or stuff to do with my other STP project next week, so that should keep the time rolling.
I learned that even though the internet is really helpful at times, it can be a real pain other times. I spent five hours today just ordering parts and looking at emails to make sure everything was all set. It was really tedious. However, this is a better method then ordering by phone or even by mail, because that would have taken over a month. I guess sometimes you just have to put up with the tedious stuff in order to get things done.